Partners & Resources
Below you will find a list of partners and programs that Allegheny Together participants are encouraged to tap into for their community and economic development needs.
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Pennsylvania Minority Business Development Authority (PMBDA)
Black Owned Businesses
Pennsylvania Minority Business Development Authority (PMBDA) is a low-interest loan program designed to stimulate the creation, retention and expansion of minority-owned for-profit businesses and create jobs in Pennsylvania.
Neighborhood Partnership Program (NPP)
Community Development
Long-term collaborations (5 years or more) of business, government, and community leaders to produce comprehensive, asset-based, relationship-driven approaches to community development. A tax credit of up to 75% or 80% can be awarded based on the length of the program.
Tick Information from Allegheny County Health Department
Community Development
For various reasons including natural migration and climate change, ticks continue to plague our area. It’s important to remember tick prevention safety. Learn more about tick prevention by watching the webinar and reviewing the fact sheet from the Allegheny County Health Department linked below.
The Business of Child Care Start-Up
Business Development
Workshops, Mentoring
Free application-based entrepreneurial training program for start-up child care providers located within the Greater Pittsburgh region, facilitated by the Center for Women's Entrepreneurship at Chatham University (CWE) in partnership with the Urban Redevelopment Authority of Pittsburgh (URA) and Invest PGH.
Minority Business Development Agency Business Center of Pennsylvania (MBC-PA)
Black Owned Businesses
An agency of the United States Department of Commerce, the Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) promotes the growth and global competitiveness of minority-owned-and-operated businesses by focusing on job creation through capital and financial management access, business consulting, contract and market access, and global business development services.
Hebrew Free Loan Association of Pittsburgh
Community Development
This nonprofit supports financial stability and advances opportunities for people in our region by providing interest-free loans to residents of Allegheny, Westmoreland, Washington, Butler, Beaver and Armstrong Counties who have a source of income and may not qualify for assistance through other institutions.
Allegheny Lead Safe Homes Program
Community Development
Allegheny Lead Safe Homes is a program through Allegheny County Economic Development and offers qualifying homeowners and renters in Allegheny County free home lead-paint testing and hires a certified lead abatement contractor to stabilize or eliminate lead-paint.
Vibrant Pittsburgh
Business Development
With thousands of job and career opportunities available in the Pittsburgh region, many companies need help developing a diverse workforce.
Neighborhood Assistance Tax Credit Program (NAP)
Community Development
Tax credit program (up to 80%) to encourage businesses to invest in projects by eligible nonprofits to serve low-income individuals and improve distressed areas. A special-priority category this year is COVID-19 Pandemic and Social Justice Issues.
Critical Community Needs Funds from the POISE Foundation
Community Development
The purpose of the CCNF is to provide support to small, Black Led Organizations (BLOs) responding to critical needs in the Black community resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.
198 Free Tools to Help You Through the Coronavirus Pandemic
Business Development
Information and links for tools that help your business go virtual: video conferencing, meetings, process management, dashboards, studying, training and more.